Sunday, August 15, 2010

No-Fail Kale

I know, I know, I'm more likely to make pigment for a painting with kale than actually eat it. But I keep hearing the nutritional wonders of this bitter leafy plant. Notice how I placed a complimentary color (my half-eaten carrot) in the picture above. Carrots are certainly not required to cook kale here but aesthetics count in my world. I would consider kale to probably be my most likely scapegoat vegetable. It needs all the compliments it can get. I actually think my worst nightmare might be being strapped to a chair for days being fed kale.
My friend, Natasha, has done amazing things with kale in the oven so I thought I'd try it out myself. While I think anything smothered in olive oil will usually improve, I was doubtful with even this vegetable. Thanks for some "no-fail kale", Natasha! Here it is:

Crisped Kale:
  1. Wash kale and pat COMPLETELY dry.It's important to dry it or else it ends up steaming in the oven.
  2. Toss with a little bit of olive oil, salt, and pepper. Over-salting will cause shrinking. Hold back!
  3. Broil until crisp. About 5 minutes. Watch it as it turns black quickly.
  4. Eat your vegetables!
I'm also happy to report that I actually used the broil option on the oven dial. As for how much nutrition I just cooked out of it, that's another story.