Monday, March 1, 2010

Cyberdundant Olympics

Some of you may already be aware of a term I made called: Cyberdundant. It's where people post something on-line or link to something on the web that already exists. It is being redudant in cyberspace.
So pardon my cyberdundancy (the noun form) in this blog post you are reading. I will try to shed some new light on a topic that is already circulating plenty.

Because I love all things Olympics and don't want them to be over, I'm going to make a connection between ice dancing and ethical considerations in art education. You ready?
A Russian Ice dancing pair has been a hot topic of discussion regarding their costumes depicting Aboriginal people of Australia...

They even changed it up a bit for their second performance so that they were less offensive. What do you think? Lighter skin but still pulling on woman's hair. I'm confused. This is when I turn to the art class and ask, "Class, what is this image telling you?"
Last term around Thanksgiving time, we spent the whole class talking about the depiction of Native Americans (or American Indians, or insert other label here " ",) in American pop culture.
So what do you think? Are we any more politically correct than the Russians?