Monday, September 12, 2011

One-way ticket to Mexico

The idea to go to Mexico to teach -or at least learn- appeared as quietly and as logically to me as the idea to cross a street when the light turns green. I should go now.
In case I fell asleep at the wheel, I found a subletter, a car sitter, and a 1978 issue of National Geographic to remind me that I really was going. So this National Geographic (pictured below) featured this woman who trekked across the Australian outback by herself with 4 camels. I randomly found the issue and IT SPOKE TO ME. I found out this woman also wrote a whole book about her solo expedition. I immediately located it and devoured it. I have no intention of walking hundreds of miles in Australia or getting to know camels better but I think it was research for Mexico. Did I read books on living in Mexico? Do I speak Spanish? Absolutely not. Did I read a book on a woman in the desert for several months by herself? Obviously!

When I got to the end of the book, I sketched out a sculpture and finally "realized" that sculpture with what little supplies I haven't packed away and only hours before boarding the plane.

Someone already asked if the sculpture is a book. Yes, it is. You can read it and interact with it.

I have been joking that I have put more work into planning a good theme party than I have this move to Mexico.  So, dear friends, if this blog is how you are hearing about my departure, don't be offended. I barely got a chance to inform myself. Weeks after adopting the aging issue of a National Geographic as my bible, I just happened to notice the article on the next page: MEXICO.