Sunday, May 30, 2010

How Many Lives Does a Polkie Have?

So I was driving to the grocery store. Actually, let's back up a bit. I was exiting the driveway in reverse. I think I haven't fully recovered from the big apartment move and maybe I shouldn't have left the house today but well, I did...and I knocked off my side-view mirror. Dang it!

So before I walk into the grocery store, I walk into the Target on Howard street and get some duct tape. I went back to my car in the parking lot to tape my side-view mirror back on. Now I realize that these car parts are fairly easy to replace but, well, I'm probably getting rid of Polkie very soon.
GASP! The village weeps.
There was a family of four in their mini-van next to me looking out their windows. I could just picture them thinking, "White girl, what are you doing to your car?"
For the record, I have never noticed more people staring and pointing at the polka-dot car than today. Evanston, I think much more highly of you. You are a tolerant bunch, no? Maybe people are always like this and I just started noticing people's reactions while duct taping my mirror back on a polka-dot car...I mean, what were people staring at?
The duct tape worked for a minute but it's not perfect and I'm afraid of going over 30 mph.
I've been saying this for the past two years but I really mean it this time: Polkie is on her last legs. I'm not going to put any more money into her. This means June is look for a car month! I'm now taking suggestions.