Sunday, May 30, 2010

How Many Lives Does a Polkie Have?

So I was driving to the grocery store. Actually, let's back up a bit. I was exiting the driveway in reverse. I think I haven't fully recovered from the big apartment move and maybe I shouldn't have left the house today but well, I did...and I knocked off my side-view mirror. Dang it!

So before I walk into the grocery store, I walk into the Target on Howard street and get some duct tape. I went back to my car in the parking lot to tape my side-view mirror back on. Now I realize that these car parts are fairly easy to replace but, well, I'm probably getting rid of Polkie very soon.
GASP! The village weeps.
There was a family of four in their mini-van next to me looking out their windows. I could just picture them thinking, "White girl, what are you doing to your car?"
For the record, I have never noticed more people staring and pointing at the polka-dot car than today. Evanston, I think much more highly of you. You are a tolerant bunch, no? Maybe people are always like this and I just started noticing people's reactions while duct taping my mirror back on a polka-dot car...I mean, what were people staring at?
The duct tape worked for a minute but it's not perfect and I'm afraid of going over 30 mph.
I've been saying this for the past two years but I really mean it this time: Polkie is on her last legs. I'm not going to put any more money into her. This means June is look for a car month! I'm now taking suggestions.

Change of address...LAKESIDE

I've been a little out of touch this past week or so because I've
moved to Rogers Park. It's just a few miles from where I was living for the past four years. As you might imagine, I have SO MANY new windows and doorways to make paintings of over and over.
I hope to see many of you in person if not, at least, in cyberspace a lot more this summer. So with that... Let's go to the beach! I think I see a shady spot.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Summer Gig

I keep getting commissions to paint Illinois wildlife! Is this a
sign of something?
If you're in Orland Park this month, stop by the public library to
view nature in a temperature controlled space. The mural painting
will be in progress through June.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Mural inside an animoto!

My cyberpedagogy class would be proud. This DIY video template gets a little too fancy , but hey, the internets are so easy these days!

Create your own video slideshow at

Does anyone know how to simplify animoto without paying for the upgrade? I want my mural to actually "animate"!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Fashion Alert!

Nude-colored hosiery spotting on the brown line on May 13, 2010 at

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Great Teaching Video!

I HAVE to share this amazing video made by my colleague, Ms. Alex B. Franke. This is totally cyberdundant. I know. But it's so worth it.

Friday, May 7, 2010

My Day in Court

You may remember my story about how I was ticketed on the CTA for not dipping my "umlimited fare card" back in March. (See it here)
This just in...upon showing my student CTA pass to the city at my
hearing today, they dismissed my citation for trespassing. Contesting
tickets can work! Take THAT, undercover cop!