Monday, November 2, 2009

Upside-down Doodling Tuesday

What's wrong with these pictures? Yes, they are upside down. This past rainy Friday felt like this when I did those drawings-all topsy-turvey and soggy...watching umbrella heads dash around the loop...But these images are also upside down because I haven't installed Photoshop yet on my new hard drive and won't bother to fix it in another program. But let's talk about what's right with this picture: I managed to re-connect my scanner and bring you these unedited images! YES! Perhaps tomorrow I'll post them again right side up so you don't have to stand on your head.

Soooo yeah, now that my techno-tools are getting back in order, I hope to get Doodling Tuesdays back on schedule again, folks. I'd like to take a moment to thank all of those Doodling Tuesday fans out there. You're the reason I doodle. Snif snif.