Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Virtual/Real Tangle

The start of grad school has begun with a jumble of information...not unlike the tangled cords that sit behind my computer and are pictured below. I've noticed the same tangle happening in a paper sculpture that is still growing and has been featured in previous blog posts--also pictured below.
But just as I can't quite unravel the tangle of classes, career paths, and tangle of information in this age of social networking, I can't seem to get my simple digital images uploaded to the blog. You see, my computer at home is even confused. It crashed unexpectedly the other day and when I restart it, a blinking icon of a folder with a question mark appears. I've been told in an apocalyptical tone, "That's bad."
That blinking question mark in its innocent Mac friendly font taunts me. It, too, is not sure what to do!
"How will I blog for my people?," I wondered. So I brought my digital camera to my school computer lab but the computer doesn't seem to upload the pics either. Sigh. In the irony of my techno-fuzzy world, I've taken a picture of my camera with my camera on my iPhone. (Yes, I'm now one of those people as of a few weeks ago.) I then emailed the iPhone pictures to myself and posted them here on this blog.

I also took a picture of this very blog you're looking at. Woh, that is so conceptual!
Quiz: How many screens are you looking through before you get to see my paper sculpture? Is it real? Sick, huh? Makes you want to touch a human being or play with mud or something, doesn't it?