Monday, August 3, 2009

Guess who makes my contact lenses!?!

I wish I could have posted a sign on a lamp post in Chinatown last week. It would have read:
Hard Contact Lens
Slight bluish Tint
Last seen in my eye at the corner of 23rd St. and Wentworth Ave.
Age: 18 months"

I wear lenses that last up to 2 years. I sleep with them in and take them out only to clean every few weeks. They are awesome and give me nearly perfect vision.
Life just isn't the same without those little curved lenses in my eyes.

BUT!, It turns out there are inmates in Dixon, Illinois who are busy carving away at eyewear, including the rigid gas permeable lens sitting atop my misshapen (but now delightfully corrected) cornea.

"We're more than license plates!" should be the motto of Illinois Correctional Industries. Browse their website and take note of the amazing array of products they make such as
Women's Cotton Panties
orHotdog Buns
But anyway, back to my contacts...
I am utterly amazed by contact lens technology all the time. I was looking at the website for the company that makes my lenses Menicon Z(and now apparently contracts with the IDOC.) They offer a product that my eye doctor never mentioned to me before and sounds fascinating. It's a lens that you only wear at night and it re-shapes your eye so that "you see perfectly all the day long without any visual correction." It's like braces for your eyes where you wear a retainer at night! HA! I imagine it being problematic if your cornea slowly loses its shape as the day wears on and things gut fuzzier and fuzzier. But still!

It also turns out it's hard to photograph contact lenses, especially when they're in your eye. Here are a few more of my attempts:

I can see! It's a miracle!