Sunday, April 5, 2009

How to Go Crazy, I mean, Make a Clamshell Box

This weekend was full of boxmaking, hikes up a mountain,
boxmaking, a bonfire, dishwashing, oh! and more boxmaking.

A Clamshell box is a special cover used to encase and protect books. I decided to just make one really huge box for no particular book in mind. Go big or go home!
Clamshell boxes are already difficult, labor-intensive objects to create, but I decided to make life harder by making it oversized and using old crumbly paper. Faaaaantastic. Making a box like this requires measurements as close as 1/32nd of an inch. At many points I wanted to just go play in the mud but it paid off at the end of the 9th hour!

The sound of a good clamshell opening is very satisfying... I'd also like to think a chorus is singing somewhere everytime I open the box...