Saturday, March 7, 2009

First 24 Hours at Penland

Greetings from beautiful North Carolina!
I finally made it in one piece to Penland School of Crafts and have processed more in the past 24 hours than I thought possible. I drove my polka-dot car ("Polkie")to Bloomington, Indiana (my first visit ever!) on Thursday and visited my old friend from high school, Louise. I got some coffee and a taste of undergraduate life for a brief nostalgic moment at Indiana University before hitting the road early Friday morning. Polkie held up all the way through to the last winding incline. Friday's drive wound through Kentucky, Tennessee, and finally to the middle of nowhere in Western North Carolina in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Total hours alone in the car: 13.
I arrived before dark and met a few other work-study students who had arrived and were relaxing around a table on the porch of the dining hall. I sipped my tea and looked out at the mountains in front of me. It was then that it occured to me: I'm either in heaven or rehab.
I am utterly exhausted tonight, Saturday, after a full day of cleaning and preparing for classes to start this coming week. So far at "art camp" I've met lots of new people and am learning the ropes of washing industrial sized dishes in the middle of nowhere.
I am unpacking little by little but one of the first things I took out were my soul collage cards. They are arranged around my little nook to remind me..."I am the one who has come from somewhere and is going to new places..."
More to come soon!