Friday, February 13, 2009

#6 in 2008's Top Ten Blog PostsClearing screen (and green) space

I continue to post my old blog posts that got the most hits in 2008. (Back in my wordpress days.) A quick update to this post about recycling...I did recycle this old laptop at the Hazardous Item Drop-Off site! The place is great and you should go see it! It's cool and industrial and the staff all wear outfits that think you are in a nuclear war.

So here's my 6th most popular post from 2008:

In the purging frenzy that originated from the clotheswap, I felt the need to rid myself of other things…such as the old college laptop-a cheeseburger of a laptop, says my friend-sitting in my closet. It was a hand-me-down from my sister in 2001.

Good ole, Windows 95!


It even has a floppy disc drive!p1100070.jpg

After some shallow internet research, I have learned there is a drop off site in Chicago specifically for recycling your old computers and other hazardous items. I did, indeed, just say recycling and Chicago in the same sentence. I haven’t recycled it yet so maybe there is a nerd who wants to adopt this computer from me? They have strange hours:

The facility is located at 1150 N. North Branch Street, which is two blocks east of the Kennedy Expressway at Division Street. The facility is open for drop-offs on the following days:

  • Tuesday (7:00am - 12:00pm)
  • Thursday (2:00pm- 7:00pm)
  • The first Saturday of every month (8:00am - 3:00pm)

I am going to try and work around these strange hours and give a complete update on the recycling experience. Presently, a friend is helping transfer old files into my new computer via the internet connection that is still possible on this machine.

Before Mozilla married Firefox:p1100073.jpg

¡Viva my Sophomore Art History essays!

Also, at a later date, I hope to interview my father about his KAYPRO 10 (a green screen!) that is still in use for his business. (Whadya say, Pop?) Anyone up for a little time travel to 1983? If it ain’t broke…